Information for Coaches, Assistant Coaches, & Team Managers
Coaches, Assistant Coaches and Team Manager ID:
Mandatory ID Badges are required before practice begins for all coaches, assistant coaches and team managers.
County ID badges cannot be older than 2 years.
Coaches/Team Managers Background Checks:
Background checks are mandatory for all volunteers!
Prince Georges County Boys & Girls Club and the Capitol Beltway League has partnered with the National Center for Safety Initiatives to implement a standardized approach to background screening for coaches and volunteers.
All Background Checks will be done online through a self-registration program and results will be a simple "Red Light/Green Light" clearance report issued in accordance with the criteria chosen by PGCBGC and CBL. Results generally take 10 business days to complete.
Coaching Certifications:
Contact Sports Commissioner
SportsEngine Registration:
All Coaches and Team Managers are required to register for the respective sport at forestvilleboysgirlsclub.sportngin.com
Inclement Weather Policy:
Games/practices will be determined by information on the PGCBGC Sports Weather Line.
Note: If PG Public Schools are closed due to weather, scheduled Gym activities will be cancelled.
Call the Weather Line at (301) 927-0822 for daily updates on county scheduled games.